Bagged Vs Bagless Vacuums – Understanding Which Is Better And Why – Red Vacuums

Bagged Vs Bagless Vacuums – Understanding Which Is Better And Why

Bagged Vs Bagless Vacuums – Understanding Which Is Better And Why

Apart from the cleaning style of the vacuums the other most important factor that buyers use to categorize the vacuum cleaners from different brands is the manner in which they store the sucked up dirt and dust. Based on this single parameter, the vacuum cleaners can be classified into two broad categories of bagged and bagless vacuums. Both these devices come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages that make the suitable for diverse cleaning situations. Being aware of the pros and cons of these two types of cleaners can help the buyers to make an informed buying decision.

Discussed below are the various advantages and disadvantages offered by both these types of vacuum to simplify the choosing process for prospective buyers.

Bagged Vacuum Cleaners

As the name indicates, bagged vacuums are ones that come with a disposable bag fitted inside the device to store the accumulated dust. Vacuum cleaners were traditionally designed to be of bagged type and comprised of a paper or cloth bag for storing the dust and dirt. However, as the vacuum technology advanced, these types of cleaners started becoming relatively less popular. Given below are the brief details of the various advantages and disadvantages offered by bagged vacuum cleaners.


  • Hygienic Dirt Disposal System: One of the biggest advantages offered by bagged vacuum cleaners is that they offer a more hygienic method of getting rid of the dust and dirt.  The users don’t face the risk of exposure to dirt or allergens stored in the dust bag when replacing it. Some latest vacuums even offer the auto sealing feature which ensures no leakage even at the time of disposal.
  • Better Path For Suction: In case of bagged vacuums, the suction travels along a more or less straight path right through the dust bag as well as the motor and the filters. This eliminates any chance of loss of suction which in turn can directly affect the cleaning performance of the device.
  • Minimize Clogging Of Hose: The high quality dust bags used by modern day bagged cleaners are designed to prevent the loss of suction within the device. This in turn reduces the chances of the vacuum hose getting clogged by slightly oversized dust particles considerably besides ensuring that all the dust and allergen particles remain well contained.


  • Additional Cost Of Bag Replacement: The biggest disadvantage of using bagged vacuums is that the users have to bear the additional expense of replacing the dust bag at regular intervals. To cut down the costs, users can buy the bags in bulk which proves to be a relatively inexpensive option as compared to buying the bags individually.
  • Uncertainty About Storage Capacity: With bagged vacuums users can never be sure about whether or not the dust bag is full to capacity. This increases the risk of the motor and filters getting clogged and results in reduced performance and efficiency of the appliance.


Bagless Vacuum Cleaners

The bagless vacuum cleaners do not feature a separate dust bag but rather have an inbuilt bin for collecting the dust. These cleaners are generally of two sub types, namely filtered and cyclonic ones. It is a general opinion that the cyclonic cleaners, which rely on cyclonic action for dirt separation, are better than filtered vacuums which use a filter placed within the dust canister to perform the task. The advantages and disadvantages of using bagless vacuums are discussed in brief as follows.


  • Visible Dirt Level: The bagless vacuums are often designed in a manner that enables the users to clearly view the level of dirt accumulated in the dust cup. This ensures that the users are able to empty the dust can in a timely manner minimizing any chances of the device getting clogged or leakage of dust.
  • Easy Filter Maintenance: The filters used in these vacuums are quite easy to clean and maintain. This means that the users do not need to worry about replacing the filters quite often and can simply clean and replace them after washing and air drying them.
  • Ease Of Use: Bagless vacuums are a lot easier to use and also have relatively lower maintenance costs. Emptying the dust cans is a simple task and in the latest devices can be accomplished with just the push of a button. The filters are long lasting and easy to remove and replace.


  • Risk Of Dust Leakage: The biggest disadvantage of using bagless vacuums is that there is an increased risk of dust leakage from the device. This is especially so while emptying the dust cup as the container is not sealed in any manner and the users can be easily exposed to it.
  • Indirect Suction Pathways: The suction pathway within bagless vacuums follows a twisting and turning course. This affects the proper flow of suction from the motor to the cleaning head and reduces the efficiency of the device as compared to the bagged version.

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