Return and Refund Policy – Red Vacuums

Return and Refund Policy

Standard Return Policy

You can initiate a return for most new and unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.* You must return items in new or unused condition with all original materials included. We must receive your returned items at our store within 45 days of delivery. We inspect all returned items and award a partial refund for opened or used products. If the return is a result of our error or defective product, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges.

If you initiate a return after 30 days, we may issue a partial refund depending on how much time had passed since the return has been initiated and condition of merchandise.

*See our Refund Policy page for more details.

Defective Product and Returns Due to Our Error

You may return defective items, items damaged at the time of receipt, and incorrect items received without penalty.** Your return shipping charges will be waived.

When we receive your return, we inspect the item and provide a replacement or issue a refund. If the product is not defective, return shipping fees will apply and/or a partial refund may be issued.

**See our Product-Specific Return Policies for specific items exceptions and policies.

Refund Policy

We inspect all returned items when they arrive at our store. If your return is a result of a error or defective product, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and original shipping charges.

If you return an item that was opened or shows signs of wear, we will issue a partial refund minus the original shipping charges and return shipping fees.

Products Returned After 30 days

  • Because products lessen their value over time, we offer partial refunds for items returned over 30 days after delivery
  • We may reduce the refund based on the condition of the merchandise
  • We may also deduct the original and return shipping charges from your refund
  • If we send you a replacement item, we must receive the original item at our store within 30 days of your return initiation. Otherwise, we will charge you full price for the replacement item

You can expect your refund within four weeks from the date you return your package. In most cases you will receive a refund sooner, but we estimate four weeks because of the time required for return shipping (up to 14 days), product inspection at our returns department (up to 5 business days), and processing from your bank or credit card company (up to 5 business days). All refunds are issued to the original method of payment unless you choose to return for in-store credit. Once your return is processed we will send you an email with your refund details.

Return Policy Directions and Exceptions

  • Non-Returnable Items
  • Product-Specific Return Policies
  • Pallet, Case, Bulk Items Return Policy Overview
  • How to Return/ Exchange an Item

Non-Returnable Items

The following items are non-returnable and no refunds are offered for:

  • Used vacuum bags, filters, belts, roller brushes and other parts that can only be discarded after being used, due to hygiene reasons
  • Case Packs/Bulk Items/Pallets: We will not accept partial case, bulk items or pallets. You must return the product in the original shipping pack, with all individual items unopened, unused.
  • Gift Cards
  • Damaged or defective machines due to customer’s error
  • Heavily used machines
  • Vacuum cleaners and other items exposed to water, drywall dust, or hazardous materials such as lead or mold
  • Machines missing any or all of these: accessories, parts, manuals, instruction booklets and warranty information
  • Special order items - unless these items are damaged during shipping or defective upon receipt.
  • ALL Commercial Products including: Commercial Air Purifiers, Floor Scrubbers, Extractors, Steam Cleaners, Buffers, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. An exception is when these items are damaged during shipping or defective upon receipt.

All returns and exchanges are subject to inspection and evaluation.

If you have a non-returnable item that arrived damaged or defective, please contact us at or call at 703-255-3500.

Product-Specific Return Policies

Items must be returned in their original condition, unopened, unused to qualify for a full refund. We will issue a partial refund if the item is open, used, or returned late*. Items must be returned with all original materials included with the shipment. We may also subtract the original shipping charge and return shipping fees, unless the return is due to Red Vacuums’ error.

FINAL SALE and CLEARANCE EXCLUSIONS: Items marked as FINAL SALE or CLEARANCE are not returnable unless the problem you experience is the result of our error.

* For your protection, all orders are screened for security purposes. If your order is selected for review, our Loss Prevention Team may contact you by phone or email. There may be a two business day delay to process your order.

** Most Oversize orders are delivered within 1-4 weeks. Some orders may take 6 weeks to be delivered

You got approved for return or exchange and have a Return Authorization number. What Next?

  • Make sure your item/s falls under Excellent, Good or at least Fair conditions to qualify for a full, or partial refund as described in our Returns/Exchanges Condition Policy
  • Pack the item/s carefully to avoid any damage during shipping.
  • Include a copy of the packing slip if any to speed up the return process
  • If you are responsible for return/ exchange shipping, use a traceable shipping method. We will request a tracking number for each item if they were purchased in multiple transactions. If items were purchased in one transaction and shipped together, a single tracking number has to be provided.
  • If we are responsible for return/exchange shipping due to our error, we will instruct you on where to find and how to print the shipping label provided to you.
  • Insure items valued at $200 or more for their full value.
  • For security purposes, do not write on the outside of the package or directly on original packages.
  • Mail Returns to:

Red Vacuums LLC

C/O Returns
171 Maple Ave E,Vienna VA 22180

Once approved for return and/or exchange, given the RMA number and shipped the item/s, email us at with the tracking number of your return, your order number and the RMA number.

NOTE: Red Vacuums accepts no responsibility, regardless of value, for untraceable or uninsured items. UPS, FEDEX, and USPS have different tracking and insurance policies. For more information, please contact your preferred carrier. We will not issue a refund until we receive and inspect the returned item/s. If the product is not defective, return shipping fees will apply and a partial refund may be issued.


Returns/Exchanges Condition Policy

We thoroughly inspect all returns and assess them according to their condition before issuing a full refund, exchange, partial refund or store credit:

Return policy

NOTE: We do not charge a restocking fee when you return your items that fall under Excellent condition. However, if an item is found not to be defective or damaged during shipping or that was returned due to your error, you are responsible for return/exchange shipping cost which may be deducted from the refund amount or you can purchase the return label from your favorite carrier.

We will issue a partial refund, store credit or no refund on items that fall under Good, Fair or Poor conditions due to:

  • Item/s inspection and their condition evaluation done by our Return team
  • Re-servicing and repairing (if used-where applicable)
  • Re-packaging (if opened but not used)
  • Re-selling as refurbished or used (where applicable) item at a much lower price comparing to a new, unopened, unused item.
  • Disposing of item properly if it is severely damaged and beyond repair
  • Returning a different item than the correct one shipped originally to you

Note: All items should be returned in new or like new condition, with the original packaging, manuals, warranties, certificates, instruction booklets, attachments, accessories and in the original box or packaging.

If an item is found to be damaged or returned due to your error, you are responsible for return/exchange shipping cost which may be deducted from the refund amount (if applicable) or you can purchase the return label from your favorite carrier.


Pallet, Case, Bulk Items Return Policy Overview

As shown in our Standard Return Policy, you may initiate a return for new and unopened items within 30 days of delivery and receive a full refund when returned in new and unused condition with all original materials included.

You are responsible to pay the return shipping fee when you return bulk items, case or pallets for any of the following reasons:

  • You refuse a delivery without inspection
  • You miss a delivery appointment
  • You return a non-defective or undamaged product

All returned above mentioned items are fully inspected upon their arrival back at our store.

We will give a partial refund of the purchase price if the returned item is not in its new, original and unopened condition. The amount of the partial refund depends on the condition of the item as determined by us upon receipt and thorough inspection.

Additionally, we reserve the right to deduct the actual return shipping fee, which generally ranges from $100 to $695 or more (depending on size and weight), if the item is not in its original condition upon arrival back at our store.

Damaged and Defective Returns

If the return is a result of damage or defect during shipping, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges.

In the event that any of these occur, all details of the damage or defect need to be clearly noted on all copies of the Bill of Lading and Delivery Receipt upon your inspection during your delivery in order for us to assist you with a return or replacement. In addition, we have to be notified within 5 business days of receiving your shipment.

By signing for your delivery without noting the problem with your shipment on the delivery paperwork, you affirm your item was delivered to you with no damage or defect.

If your shipment is severely damaged, please refuse the shipment, note the Bill of Lading “refused due to damage” and contact our Customer Care immediately at or by phone at 703-255-3500.

If you do not have time for an inspection or the driver rushes you, YOU MUST WRITE "subject to inspection" next to your signature on the Delivery Receipt and Bill of Lading.

Damage or Defects found after Delivery and Inspection

If you inspect the shipment and there is not any noticeable damage, but you find concealed damage or defects after the carrier leaves:

  • DO NOT discard any of the shipping boxes or packing materials, including the pallet the item may have been delivered with.
  • DO NOT discard the product itself because it may be necessary for the carrier to inspect the item and report on the damage.
  • DO NOT ship the item back to us without first being instructed to do so. Failure to comply may result in denial of a damaged item claim per the shipping carrier’s claims guidelines.
  • Immediately contact Red Vacuums to report the situation. Include helpful details, such as package condition, how it was received (left at front door/signed for), and description of the damage. If possible, please take several pictures showing the affected area(s). We will work to resolve the issue and, in our sole discretion, we may:
    • Issue a replacement; or
    • Authorize a return by e-mailing you an RMA (Return Authorization Number)

Please visit our How to Return or Exchange an Item page for information about starting your return.

How to Return or Exchange an Item

If you're looking to return or exchange an item you purchased directly at, e-mail us at or call at 703-255-3500 and let us know you want to initiate a return or exchange.


Returning an item is easier than you thought! Please follow these steps to start the online return process:

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. Click the "My Orders" link from the Order Information tab to see your past orders.
  3. Click “Return Item” next to the item you want to return.
  4. Provide your return information. Click “Submit Return”.
  5. Print your shipping label and follow the included instructions to return your item.

We will also send you a return confirmation via email that includes your return shipping label and return instructions.

If you used Guest Checkout to place your order, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a Red Vacuums account with the same email address you used to place your order.
  2. Once you create your account, follow the steps above to return your item.

Exchanges/ Replacements

If you purchased the wrong item and want to return for the correct one, please email us at with the order details and the correct item you actually need. A model number of the machine, the original part number of the item or the part or accessory picture may be sent to us for an effective problem solving. We will get back to you with the correct recommendation. You will still need to return it back to us within our 30 day return policy before we send a replacement. Exchanges may take up to 8 days after the receipt of returned package.

Most Oversize orders exchanges/replacements are delivered within 1-4 weeks. Some orders may take 6 weeks to be delivered

Please note that we do not accept returns or exchanges for used filters, roller brushes, bags or belts due to hygiene and/or re-condition reasons. Please see our Non-Returnable Items section.


You can also contact our Customer Care Team and we will assist you with your return.


All orders placed online via that have been processed and shipped cannot be cancelled. If you placed an order and want to cancel it, please contact us at or by phone at 703-255-3500 and see if the order hasn’t been processed and shipped already. If it has not been processed and shipped, we will cancel the transaction. Keep in mind, that there may be a reversal fee deducted from your original form of payment.

Credit card payment reversals (charge Backs) found to be fraudulent will be charged an additional $45.00 reversal fee. This fee and any legal fees will be charged to the customer original form of payment and the payment will be expected within 7 business days. All unpaid accounts will be sent to collection agencies for further processing.