Miele Scout Robotic Vacuum

Miele Scout Robotic Vacuum

Vacuum cleaners have been manufactured by Miele since 1927. There have been tremendous changes over these 88 years. Miele was founded in 1899 by Carl Miele and Reinhard Zinkann; headquartered in Gütersloh, Germany since 1907. Carl Miele supervised manufacturing personally, while Reinhard Zinkann handled finance and sales. The company has always maintained its goal to provide the highest-quality domestic appliances and commercial equipment to its users. Miele is currently present in 47 countries with its own sales companies and in over 50 countries via imports.

Finally the day is here where you will come back to find that your home has already been vacuumed.  It all started with the first K based model, then Miele Ideal with lesser noise, followed by invention the of canister and stick vacuums along with HEPA filters, with innovation came Intensive Clean and AirClean dustbags and finally all this lead to the birth of the revolutionary Miele Scout RX1 robotic vacuum cleaner.

Robotic vacuums are usually round in shape, apart from looking trendy; round vacuums are less likely to get damaged while bumping into a hard surface, something not unusual for them. A round design enhances the vacuums mobility and its side brushes ensure all nooks and corners are kept clean. Having a circular shape nulls the possibility of a robotic vacuum getting stuck at the corners or edges. All this means minimum human interference in other words less supervision.

Even though the Scout RX1 may be Miele’s first excursion into the world of robotic vacuums, the company has a lot of experience in creating superior products that look great and give their best performance. The Scout comes with Smart Navigation and provides realistic results while cleaning. Its powerful lithium ion battery provides nonstop power which can clean up to two hours (1,600 square feet) sans recharge. It has a special gyro sensor which keeps a track of the vacuums rotation, enabling speedy changes in direction. It comes with a high quality ceiling camera that aids in mapping the area of the room which ensures precise cleaning of the entire space.

Combining its dirt removal capabilities, carpet-cleaning expertise, navigational awareness, and efficient design you're left with an effective device for floor maintenance in between full cleanings. That is, unless you've got a lot of furniture.

The Scout features a Triple Cleaning System which contains a turbo brush, two long rotating side brushes that target hard-to-reach areas and an effective suction system. There are sensors situated in front of the round vacuum that help prevent it from crashing into furniture whereas the sensors underneath prevent it from tumbling down the stairs. What’s more it comes with a classy remote control and boosts four special cleaning modes. The Scout is Recommended for quick pickups and for in between use of your full-size Miele upright or canister.

It comes in a calming obsidian black color and has up to date touch controls. It is 3. 46 inches in height and comes with a charging station, remote Control, side brushes, AirClean filter, magnetic strips and a lithium-ion battery. It has a special Turbo brush roller and comes in 4 exciting modes (auto, spot, corner and turbo). It has a unique furniture protection system and a timer, along with manual navigation. Its lithium-ion battery has a one year warranty and all the other additional accessories have two years of warranty. Its dustbin can hold up to 22 oz of dirt.

The Scout is comparable with its rival the Samsung PowerBot VR9000, which has similar camera-based navigation, and the iRobot Roomba 880, which uses infrared navigation. The Scout travels lighter because of magnetic strips. Miele and iRobot are different in terms of the design of their charging docks. The Scout has a more of a traditional dock, as well as a direct plug, it also has another advantage when it comes to charging: it requires only two hours as compared to the iRobots three.

The Scout has a humble Low-profile design which ensures freedom of movement: The compact, flat Scout can easily reach even difficult to access areas such as under furniture. It can efficiently clean carpets thresholds do not pose an obstacle: the Scout effortlessly crosses door thresholds and cleans carpets up to ¾" high.

Red Vacuums also provides these cool and customer friendly services:

  • A free repair estimate of the vacuum, even if the customer doesn’t wish to get their vacuum repaired at that time.
  • We loan out vacuums to customers who are currently waiting for their vacuums to get repaired at no extra cost.
  • We provide a maximum discount of $150, if a customer wishes to trade their old vacuum for a brand new one. (Discount varies on the model the customer chooses to buy along with the model and condition of the old vacuum).


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