Guidelines For Keeping A House Clean And Pet Friendly – Red Vacuums

Guidelines For Keeping A House Clean And Pet Friendly

Guidelines For Keeping A House Clean And Pet Friendly

Having pets around in a house can be great fun and even a matter of pride for most owners. They are lovable and adorable and generally become an integral part of the family. However, most pet owners also have to deal with the mess created by these little friends when they play indoors. Just the idea of keeping the carpet free from pet hair, or repairing furniture and upholstery after a pet has scratched over it, tends to make people feel jittery.

Thankfully owing a pet and maintaining the cleanliness of the house is not unachievable. It can be done with a little extra care and effort put in by the pet owners in training their furry friends. In addition, they also need to follow the below given tips to make sure that they do not end up having a messy place that is overlaid with pet hair.

Brush The Pets Regularly

Regular brushing and grooming of the pet reduces the amount of hair shed by them in a significant manner. This is because any weak or broken hair is likely to get stuck in the brush rather than falling on the carpet, furniture upholstery or even the floor. Regular brushing and grooming are recommended by veterinarians, too. It is also advisable to carry out the brushing activity after having covered the carpet or floor with newspaper or a sheet of plastic. This minimizes the chances of the stray hair falling on the surface and enhances the cleanliness.

Using An Appropriate Vacuum Cleaner

Contrary to the popular belief, not all vacuum cleaners are designed to pick up pet hair. As such it is important to check on this specification before buying a cleaner. It is also important for the pet owners to verify whether or not the cleaner they choose is capable of picking up all types of pet hair. For example people who have cats will generally find a cleaner having a turbo hand tool to be quite effective, but for dog owners, vacuums having a motorized power head will be the best choice. It is also important for pet owners to vacuum more frequently for a clean hygienic home.

Avoid Furniture That Is Loosely Woven

Having pets around furniture that is not tightly woven is likely to result in frequent damage and repairing. In addition cleaning up such surfaces is also not as easy as compared to furniture with smooth surfaces and tight weaving.

So it is highly advisable for pet owners to invest in pet friendly furniture, even if they do it one item at a time. This will not only help prove to be a cost-effective investment but will also improve the overall look and appeal of their house. Most importantly it will make them free of the stress of keeping the pest away from the furniture to ensure its safety.

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