News – Tagged "IQ Air Purifier" – Red Vacuums

News — IQ Air Purifier


We often carry the misconception that when we are at home we’ll... 0

We often carry the misconception that when we are at home we’ll be safe. But this concept is so wrong because the involvement of pollution and dust particles often contaminates the air we breathe.

And this is why technologists have developed the home air purifiers to clean up the filthy air inside our homes and offices.

Air purifiers decrease the chance of severe health conditions like fever, cough,...

Buying An Air Purifier - What You Must Consider?

Buying An Air Purifier - What You Must Consider? 0

Dust particles and undesirable odors have surfaced greatly these days. The air pollution has increased considerably and hence the significance of pure air is realized by one and all. More and more individuals are looking for ways and means to get rid of the nasty air that surrounds their homes. If the home is airtight, then the dust and other unpleasant odors cannot enter the home; this is the reason each and every individual are purchasing home air purifiers for their homes.
Understanding The Link Between Allergies, Air Purifiers And A Healthy Lifestyle

Understanding The Link Between Allergies, Air Purifiers And A Healthy Lifestyle 0

According to a study, air pollution alone is responsible for more than 5 million deaths around the globe each year. However, contrary to the popular belief, the outdoor air pollution is not the only reason behind so many people losing their lives. Rather, the polluted air that people breathe in within their seemingly clean home and office environments is to be equally blamed. Sadly a majority of the population is not only completely ignorant but also unwilling to accept the fact that the air inside their homes and offices can actually prove far more dangerous than the air outside. This is despite the rapidly increasing number of people suffering from different types of allergies even with minimal exposure to the polluted air outside.
Air Purifier Buying Mistakes That Can Prove Too Costly For The Buyers

Air Purifier Buying Mistakes That Can Prove Too Costly For The Buyers 0

Contrary to the popular belief, people are not exposed to polluted air only when they remain outdoors, but also when they are within the seemingly healthy environment of their workplace and homes. That is why an increasing number of organizations and homeowners are opting for different types of air purifiers such as IQ air...