News – Tagged "Air Purification" – Red Vacuums

News — Air Purification

How Vacuum Cleaners Can Change A Dirty Office

How Vacuum Cleaners Can Change A Dirty Office 0

People spend a large amount of our lives at work, but rarely do we give much thought to how our on-the-clock environment might be affecting how we feel around the clock. People make assumptions about you based on the appearance of your office.
Construction Materials Used In Old Homes That Make Air Purification Challenging

Construction Materials Used In Old Homes That Make Air Purification Challenging 0

When it comes to architecture and beauty, many older homes are still a source of inspiration for modern builders. However, despite their appeal, living in many such homes can lead to serious health issues, primarily due to poor quality of air inside them, which even the best modern day air cleaners find challenging to clean. This is primarily because ...